Open Justice Online Course

Our work at TransparencIT was recognized by The Governance Lab of New York University as a valuable vehicle that drives and strengthens the capacity of Nigeria’s judicial system by ensuring openness in judicial processes and proceedings.

The GovLab approached our organization trying to understand how we have been successfully carrying out our program so that they can better understand what works for us and our challenges in an effort to build a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Open Justice that is targeted at strengthening capacity building of public officials, lawyers, judicial officers and members of the public that are interested in pursuing projects that will ensure open justice using tech tools.

Our inputs through series of interviews, we have carried out with the developers of the online course, have aided the GovLab to outline modules for the course which is currently at testing and iteration stage before its commencement. The course is set to coach a dozen projects beginning this spring. We take great pride in contributing to such efforts that are geared towards fostering transparency and openness in courtrooms and ensuring citizens engagement to enhance independence and legitimacy of courts, as well as improving equity, efficiency and effectiveness of the judiciary in general.

Learn more about the course here…

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